Material Analytics

We offer classic and innovative chemical analysis for customers from a wide range of industries. The core areas of our R&D services are ultratrace analysis in high-purity materials, chemical characterization of surfaces and interfaces, as well as thermo-mechanical and chemical analysis of polymer materials. In the area of special analytics we investigate gas permeation e.g. through barrier films and membranes as well as the influence of various aging processes on polymer properties.

Companies with a need for high-purity materials, e.g. from the semiconductor industry, photovoltaics, laser optics, laminated glass production and many more, benefit from our support. Depending on customer requirements, we offer simple analytical services as well as root cause analyses and complex problem solutions.

Our expertise includes:

  • Trace analysis in volume and on surfaces
  • 2D mappings of the element distribution
  • Characterization and evaluation of polymer materials
  • Permeation measurements and accelerated aging


Polymer Analytics and Polymer Assessment

Thermo-mechanical behavior, chemical analysis, ageing, resistance and barrier properties of films and membranes.


Ultratrace Analysis with ICP-MS

Both, surface and volume analyses down to the lowest ppb range, are aimed - not only - at customers from the photovoltaics industry.


Element Analysis for Process Control with LIBS

Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) enables in-line analysis of element contents, whether for controlling coating processes, optimizing recycling or for real-time material control on the conveyor belt.


Evaluation of
Functional Surfaces

The surface properties of materials significantly influence their function.

UV weatherometer
© Fraunhofer CSP
Four weatherometers are available at the Fraunhofer CSP, with which various tests with UV radiation (xenon), humidity and sprinkling are possible.

For our customers we offer a wide range of state-of-the-art equipment for the chemical and thermo-mechanical characterization of various materials, as well as the necessary human resources for the reliable operation of our equipment park. Justification of our customers' trust is our greatest asset. Under this maxim committed employees dedicate themselves to your questions. The following equipment is used:

  • Clean Acid and Evapoclean evaporation units (Analab)
  • Contact angle meter (Dataphysics, OCA20)
  • DSC (Netzsch DSC 204 F1 Phoenix)
  • Effusion measuring station (self-made)
  • FTIR (Bruker vertex70 via IR microscope Hyperion2000)
  • Gas permeation measurement with MS coupling (Pfeiffer Thermostar)
  • High-resolution sector field ICP mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Element XR)
  • Karl Fischer titrator (METTLER-Toledo C30 Stromboli)
  • Laminators (vacuum laminator ICOLAM 10/08, 3D vacuum laminator SM Innotech INCAPCELL 18-9 3IN1, large module laminator ICOLAM 28/26)
  • Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (Secopta, FiberLIBS Lab)
  • Laser scanning microscopy (LSM700, Zeiss) at wavelengths of 405 nm, 555 nm and 639 nm with µLBIC (micro-light-beam-induced-current) measurement option (DIPS5, Point Electronic)
  • Mechanical testing (INSTRON 5848 MicroTester; MTS Landmark 370.02; ZWICK Z050 and Z400)
  • Py-GC-MS: Pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Pyralizer PY/EGA 3030D/GC Trace 1300/MS ISQ 7000 series)
  • Rotary rheometer (Thermo Haake MARS II)
  • Soxhlet extraction (gel content)
  • Spectrophotometry (ColorLite sph860)
  • TD-GC-MS: thermodesorption gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Markes unity-xr/GC Trace 1300/MS ISQ 7000 series)
  • TGA with IR coupling (Netzsch TGA 209 F1 Iris)
  • Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS, TOF.SIMS V, Iontof)
  • TMA (Shimadzu TMA-60)
  • Triple quadrupole ICP mass spectrometer (Agilent, QQQ-ICP-MS 8900)
  • UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy (LAMBDA 900UV/Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer from PerkinElmer)
  • UV weatherometer (2 Atlas Sunset XXL+, 2 Atlas Xenotest 440, 2 Q-Lab Q-SUN Xe-3-HSE)
  • WVTR determination (MOCON Permatran W 3/33 MG Plus)