Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics CSP
Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics CSP
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CSP - About Us
Mission and Range of Services
Management Board and Organization Chart
Areas of Research
Areas of Research
Wafering and Material Processing
Material Analytics
Diagnostics and Metrology Solar Cells
Scientific Highlights Diagnostics and Metrology Solar Cells
PV Modules, Components and Manufacturing
PV Systems and PV Integration
Material Diagnostics for H2 Technologies
Intersolar Europe
European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC)
PV Days
Science live
Workshop IP-Schutz
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CSP - About Us
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Mission and Range of Services
Management Board and Organization Chart
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Areas of Research
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Crystallization of Float Zone Material - Status and Perspectives
High-Efficiency Silicon Float-Zone Solar-Cells from Low-Cost Feed-Material
300 mm Silicon Mono Czochralski Crystals: Parameters and Conditions for Crystal Growth
Wafering and Material Processing
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Silicon Carbide Wafer Production
Sensor-Supported Wafer Production
Material Analytics
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Ultratrace Analysis
Polymer Analytics and Polymer Assessment
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Gas Permeation
Thermal Analysis
Chemical Analysis
Mechanical Analysis
Artificial Weathering
FEM Simulation
Vacuum Lamination
Non-destructive Analysis
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Surface Analysis
Diagnostics and Metrology Solar Cells
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Scientific Highlights Diagnostics and Metrology Solar Cells
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Laser-generated Microstructures in Glass for Improved Light Management in Solar Modules
Microstructural Analysis of the Cementation Process During Soiling on Glass Surfaces in Arid and Semi-arid Climates
Root Causes of Defects on PERC Solar Cells
New Insights into Ultrathin Oxide Layers
Rapid PV-Module Component Testing and Quantification of Performance Gains
Rapid Laboratory Test Method for Snail Trails
Microstructural Identification of Cu in Solar Cells Sensitive to Light Induced Degradation
Thin Film-PV: Micro Analytics and Laser Processing
Electrical Characterization
PV Modules, Components and Manufacturing
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PV Module and Component Characterization
Finite Element Simulation of Modules and Components
Microstructure Diagnostics
Process Diagnostics
Outdoor Efficiency Measurements and Test Fields
Weathering Tests and Accelerated Life Time Cycling
PV Systems and PV Integration
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PV System Diagnostics
Material Diagnostics for H2 Technologies
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Electrolysis and Fuel Cells
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H2Giga - FRHY
H2Giga - StacIE
H2Mare - H2Wind
Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
Green H2-Systems
Our Network
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Fraunhofer Hydrogen Labs
Fraunhofer Hydrogen Network
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Intersolar Europe
European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC)
PV Days
Science live
Intersolar 2024
Workshop IP-Schutz
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Press Releases
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Maximum solar power from the house façade Scientists present a particularly efficient design solar façade
Predicting the reliability and working life of PV and battery inverters
PV CAMPER platform generates PV data from diverse climates worldwide
Measurement and classification platform "MK4" offers process and data analytics for high-performance PV production
Current-based repair process for new solar cell technologies
Rapid material analysis of surfaces and coatings using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)
Prof. Dr. Erica Lilleodden new director of the Fraunhofer IMWS
PERC Solar Cells from 100 Percent Recycled Silicon
Fraunhofer CSP ranked among Germany’s most innovative companies
Ideal cross-linking degrees through optimized quality control
New method for defect diagnosis in PEM and AEM electrolyzers
Efficient, stable and application-ready reactors for climate-neutral hydrogen production
New methods to reduce inverter failures in PV systems
Digital twin can reduce operating costs of solar parks
New standardizable method for testing PV module back sheets
How cleaning agents can damage photovoltaic modules
Novel encapsulation and backsheet films for extreme durability of photovoltaic modules
Scalable solutions for green hydrogen production in South Africa
More efficient solar cells: Stefan Lange receives Heinz Bethge Prize for Materials Science
Offshore solar scaling up to Gigawatts
Latest back contact technology for heterojunction solar cells in mass production
Fraunhofer IMWS and Fraunhofer CSP are among the most innovative companies in Germany
Ulrike Jahn becomes Senior Scientist at Fraunhofer CSP
Recycling photovoltaic modules for a sustainable value chain
Fraunhofer and Korean Institute of Energy Research cooperate on hydrogen and renewable energies
Protection of intellectual property through high-resolution analytics for "next generation" photovoltaic technologies
More sustainable solar modules made from renewable raw materials
Modular aluminum elements with integrated photovoltaic modules for solar facades
Oxygen as a valuable by-product of water electrolysis: Franziska Hönig receives DWV award for her dissertation
High efficiency meets sustainability: Fraunhofer lighthouse project shows the way forward for the next generation of solar cells
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Portrait Ralph Gottschalg
Portrait Frank Zobel
Portrait Stephan Großer
Portrait Volker Naumann
Porträt Sebastian Schindler
Portrait Sylke Meyer
Portrait Matthias Ebert
Portrait Bengt Jäckel
Portrait Marko Turek
Portrait Ulrike Jahn